Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Polyphasic Sleep: Day Two. updates

Morning update:

after reading more interesting blog material I had my 5:30 sleep session. So far all is well. I'm not sure I really slept in the strictest sense of the term, but I got out of bed feeling rested so I'm not complaining. Afterwards I ran a (fast) mile with Jake and got some asthma, which developed into a weird cough/itchy throat that has stayed with me all day. After the run I decided I felt like doing a workout so I drove down to the Y where I found my dad actually swimming laps. We were a little surprised to see each other, he because I was up early, me because he was at the gym. I did an easy workout, had good stamina considering I haven't worked out in months.

some notes: time goes by much slower. I'm more interested in staying busy than I've ever been. Surprisingly Not lethargic.

after work out I became more tired.
exercise = good
driving = not a good idea

some interesting psychological effects:
lowered inhibitions, strangely giddy, tiny flee-like creatures hovering in my periphreal vision.

random thoughts:
why don't I have a fucking lemur?

second nap of the day, (830) taken: success. woke up after exactly 23 minutes. Still not really going fully unconscious, but still felling refreshed, although right now, still tired.

Good sleep combo: prenap meditation, during nap listen to lyric-less music/white noise. I listened to some Tibetan meditation music shit I got off torrent and it was really nice, super conducive for sleep. Damn I'm tired. I hope I make it to the afternoon nap.

ate breakfast, delicious tuna melt, seem to prefer eating healthier all of a sudden. nice. also cleaned kitchen while making sandwitch, just flowed, impressive. Kinda losing control over thoughts a little bit, super tired, considering yet another morning nap.

Afternoon update:
damn, took another nap at 930, and then another one, and another, until like 2pm. I hope this doesn't mess me up too bad, I didn't really get that much sleep overall, and I still feel tired, but man, I was struggling before, anyway, we'll see how it goes. I'm suppose to be driving with my sister to sac in a couple hours. Probably she'll do the driving, lol.

End of Day Update:

Instead of ne driving to sacramento, I taught elise to drive my stick-shift, which was a pretty good way to stay awake. During the drive I took my 17:30 nap and maybe got 3 or 4 minutes of good sleep, maybe, though still I don't think I ever really lost consciousness. After we got to Elise's place I took another pseudo nap around 20:30, again not losing consciousness, but feeling somewhat refreshed afterwards. Elise and I proceeded to pick up her friend, Cheyanne, (sp?) who is both a hottie and a super-fun sweetheart type who consistently volunteered to ride stick, wedged between me and Elise in my 84 Nissan two seater (I love having little sisters). We met up with some of their friends, attempted to go longboarding in a parking garage, got caught by police, sat around, watched a video previously captured video of Cheyanne falling on her face while longboarding in parking garage and then the group dropped me off at Elise's for my 23:30 nap and went to Denny's.

The good part: I finally completely achieved legitimate REM sleep during a nap! At least I'm pretty sure, I mean totally passed out, like hardcore, although I can't remember my dream, which is really a bummer since part of the allure of this whole experiment was having lucid dreams, but when I woke up I was completely out of it. I never consciously heard my alarm, I think I unconsciously turned it off, but I kind of vaguely remember it going off, like a dream. All I really remember is staring at my phone and having absolutely no idea where I was or what was happening. As I began to recall my situation I started to freak out a little because it felt like I had been sleeping for so long that I was sure I must have drastically overslept. I was totally dumbfounded when after triple checking the time on my phone it said it was exactly 12am, Wednesday morning, but I couldn't for the life of me remember hearing my alarm go off. I was also tripping out because it really felt like I had been asleep for hours. i felt almost completely refreshed, maybe a little hazy, but seriously it was as if I had a full night's sleep.

Anyway, so I met back up with Elise and her friends, we played some no-stakes poker and then retired to Cheyanne's place since Elise cancelled the internet at her apartment and the notion of trying to stay awake for six hours with no internet really scared me. And this is where I'm officially ending my Second Day blog.

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